Hugh Rice
Founded in the 1970s Hugh Rice Jewellers has become one of the North’s most prestigious Jewellers. Family run to this day the business specialises in bringing the very best quality, leading brands to the high street alongside Hugh Rice’s own bespoke designs.
Our Approach
After recent expansion of the store portfolio and many years trading online High Rice had acquired a rather substantial database of customers. Marketing activity was happening on a regular basis but other than an obvious uplift in sales overall, the business was unable to understand return on investment on their marketing campaigns.
We worked with Hugh Rice Jewellers to implement our proprietary Marketing Cloud software Response Works which enables them to track, measure and analyse their campaign effectiveness and profitability. Marketing campaigns can now be delivered to targeted and segmented groups based upon previous shopping history, interests and preferences enabling relevant and timely communications to be issued increasing the response and ultimate conversion to purchase.
Intelligent CRM
Bespoke Applications
Integration & Support
Marketing Services
Cross Channel Analytics